Build better digital products, processes, and customer experiences

Hi, I’m Scott. I help organisations better connect with their customers through clearer digital propositions, optimised business processes, and more joined-up customer experiences.
I’m currently available for new projects. Get in touch.

I help clients:

Define and prioritise requirements

Identify customer needs, build stakeholder alignment, and develop clear roadmaps for digital product development.

Optimise journeys and processes

Create joined-up customer experiences, boost operational efficiency, and deliver more impactful marketing campaigns.

Work better with agencies and delivery teams

Deliver clear specifications, streamline project management and deployment, and create robust measurement frameworks.

What I do

Product strategy

  • Project scoping, prioritisation, and validation
  • Customer and stakeholder research
  • Feature definition and requirements documentation
  • Value proposition and messaging strategies
  • Metrics development and performance evaluation

Customer experience

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Conversion rate optimisation
  • On-boarding and lead nurturing workflows
  • Customer feedback and measurement frameworks
  • Customer reactivation strategies
  • AI integration and deployment strategies

Process optimisation

  • Requirements capture, prioritisation, and documentation
  • Product and service workflow design
  • Process mapping
  • Form and data capture optimisation
  • System integration planning
  • Lead scoring and nurturing workflows

How I work

Make the complex simple

Streamline the digital services that frustrate users and reduce productivity. I specialise in untangling legacy systems and organisational silos to enhance digital experiences, uniting stakeholders to design more efficient processes and create robust development plans.

Bridge the divide

Build stronger relationships across product, marketing, and IT. I excel in bridging communication gaps, translating business needs into actionable project plans, aligning workflows, and streamlining feedback loops.

See the bigger picture

Build platforms that seamlessly integrate with your current operations and marketing. My blend of strategy, digital, and marketing expertise ensures your projects are primed for success across every phase of the product lifecycle.

Recent projects

Streamlining event logistics

Strict security protocols had created a complex event registration process, causing bookers to miss key deadlines and placing the support burden on the event delivery team.

I developed a phased registration process, more user-friendly data delivery methods, and an automated comms workflow that guided bookers through the requirements – and boosted self-completion rates to over 90%.

Platform consolidation

Recent mergers and years of siloed customer campaigns had created a disjointed user experience built upon multiple websites and marketing systems.

I conducted stakeholder interviews and workshops, produced customer experience and process maps, and led a user research programme to validate requirements and create a robust development roadmap.

Increasing qualified leads

A flawed advertising strategy had led to a massive influx of unqualified leads, creating sales bottlenecks and bloated acquisition costs.

I designed an educational content hub and smarter data capture process, empowering prospects to self-qualify and directing acquisition efforts more effectively – and driving a 460% increase in qualified leads.

Work with me

Choose the right collaboration model for your needs.

Independent consultant

Get strategic insights and actionable recommendations on a specific aspect of your business.

Project contractor

Ensure timely and efficient delivery with my proven track record of successful project execution.

White-label resource

Enhance your offering and augment your team with specialised expertise under your brand.

About me

With over 20 years in digital strategy, product management, and marketing communications, I specialise in enhancing companies’ digital capabilities and forging strong connections with their customers.

I’ve supported B2C and B2B organisations across multiple sectors – including events, technology, property, retail, travel, education, services, and third sector – on projects spanning the UK, Europe, Australia, and the US. With a foot in both agency and client-side worlds, I’m equally skilled at diving into project teams or championing initiatives as an independent consultant.

Contact me

Want to build better digital products, processes, and customer experiences? I’d love to hear from you.

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